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What is easyAR?

Do you want to save time and get paid faster?

Cashflow is the lifeblood of a business! This new tool helps you get paid faster and it will save you time! Imagine what you and your team could do with so many more free hours per month!

Managing Clients

This system allows you to manage all your clients and their outstanding debts. With just the click of a button, you can see what you are owed and by who. This saves you the hours it would take to follow up each client manually.

Collect your debts faster

With easyAR, you can collect your debts in record time! There has been a 43% reduction in outstanding debts, which will have an overall improvement on your incoming cashflow.

Automatically reconcile incoming payments

The software can automate reminders, invoices and even integrate with your accounting software. Best of all, easyAR reconciles incoming payments automatically, so you don’t have to spend hours of your time over spreadsheets and bank statements.

Give us a call.
We’re here to help.