Lose your overdue debt fast!
Everyone’s looking for that magic pill, that special shake, or magical exercise regime to lose weight overnight. But how could this analogy be linked to a company?
One element we find businesses constantly struggling with is OVERDUE debts. Overdue debt brings many complications to a business including cashflow issues, payment delays to your suppliers and increased costs. So how can we help you LOSE such debt overnight?
How do NCI Commercial Collections work?
NCI Commercial Collections support businesses by formulating a plan to best manage and collect your overdue debt. Sometimes, despite how much effort you have placed into calling and writing to your customers to pay what they owe, a well-constructed third-party action can prompt a speedy payment.
We can even accommodate the fact that you may want to continue to trade with a customer despite their debt being overdue as they may only be having a short term cashflow issues themselves. We will work with your customer to arrive at a commercially beneficial solution, so you get PAID and they want to continue buying from you.
This takes away much of the angst of having to have tough conversations with your customers yourself, potentially damaging future relationships.
NCI Commercial Collections have a fixed no collect, no commission policy. So, you’ve got nothing to lose. If we don’t collect the debt, no commissions are payable. For debts we collect, we charge a flat percentage of 12% although this is capped at $6,500 plus GST.
See the video below for a simple explanation on how our commercial collections work.